Heart of a Friend
The Heart of a Friend podcast was born out of a desire to share some of the most important things learned from a lifetime of experience. It is hosted by Andy Wiegand. Andy retired in 2017 after 40 years of pastoral ministry. He and his wife now reside in Columbus, Ohio. They have raised six children and are now very happy to be grandparents.
Andy grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and received his education at Harvard University (B.A. ’73) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. ’78). In his retirement Andy devotes time to charitable work, visits with friends and family, exercises and continues to do a lot of reading and thinking about life.
Heart of a Friend
Ep. 52 | Antidote to Fear
Highlights - Episode 52 | Antidote to Fear
The answer for our fears is not a what, but a who.
First: Remember, God is BIGGER than our problem.
Second: Pursue your friendship with God BEFORE you face a crisis.
Third: Pray earnestly.
Fourth: Take Action.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Fifth: Say “no” to fear.
Fear knocked, faith answered and no one was there.
Sixth: Never face your fears alone.