Heart of a Friend
The Heart of a Friend podcast was born out of a desire to share some of the most important things learned from a lifetime of experience. It is hosted by Andy Wiegand. Andy retired in 2017 after 40 years of pastoral ministry. He and his wife now reside in Columbus, Ohio. They have raised six children and are now very happy to be grandparents.
Andy grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and received his education at Harvard University (B.A. ’73) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. ’78). In his retirement Andy devotes time to charitable work, visits with friends and family, exercises and continues to do a lot of reading and thinking about life.
Heart of a Friend
Ep. 53 | Fulfill Your Purpose! Finding God in the Psalms
Highlights - Episode 53
Fulfill Your Purpose!
Finding God in the Psalms
First - Start with Humility
Second - Connect with the Coach
To understand anthropology begin with theology. Discovering the purpose of life begins and ends with God.
When God made us in his image, it means we were created to speak and act on his behalf…on behalf of the King, as if we were him. It’s our job description! It’s to be ambassadors of the King of kings in every area of life. To bear his seal. To live like God would live if he were us.
Every true Christian practices being God. (Cyprian)
God doesn’t assign value to things based on their size. We may be small by cosmic standards, but we are…most important - far more important than we think!
Jesus was finally doing the job that you and I were originally created to do. Where the first Adam failed, he (the second Adam) succeeded. He said, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the father.” That should have been our tag line. In Jesus, we see the kind of person we could have been.
If you are an apprentice of Jesus, your end goal is to grow and mature into the kind of person who can say and do all the things Jesus said and did…it’s about turning your body into a temple, a place of overlap between heaven and earth…an advanced sign of what, one day, Jesus will do for the entire cosmos, when heaven and earth are at long last reunited as one… Let your body become God’s home.One day we will be creatures so radiant with the presence of God, pulsating with such love, power, wisdom, joy and life, that, if we were to see ourselves now as we will be then, we’d be tempted to worship! ( Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer)
Third - Follow His Example - He’s a Player Coach
No Roman legions would be necessary to bring about God’s kingdom…only the devotion and service of the humble who follow Jesus…The kingdom of God was launched into the world not from a palace but from a stable…not from a throne but from a cross. He’s the player coach who is the servant king…And it’s our calling…our privilege to follow his example.
Those who will change and ultimately rule the world are not the stars, but the servants.
Servanthood is intrinsic to the heart of God. No one will be comfortable in his presence who has not begun to learn the beauty and joy of servanthood.
Bibleproject.com - “Babbling Babies Rule the World” (Video and Podcast)
Heart of a Friend - “Why Am I a Christian?” (Episode 7), “A Clue to the Meaning of the Universe” (Episode 22)